User Scenarios

We’ve been providing solutions to the real estate industry for nearly two decades. Below we’ve listed some of the scenarios we have encountered and the solutions we would suggest. Every client is unique, but we’re confident our client-centric approach and platform adaptability can be used to remedy your issues and move your business forward.

Enhancing Financial Reporting Accuracy & Efficiency

Optimizing Sustainability Reporting for Strategic Impact

Navigating Client Concerns During Retail Bankruptcy

Securing a Competitive Edge

Enhancing Roof Management

Aligning Budget Expectations

Enhancing Financial Reporting Accuracy & Efficiency at a Real Estate Portfolio Management Firm

Use Case: Portfolio Manager – Client Request

The Portfolio Manager reports a $100,000 decrease in aged receivables quarter over quarter. The CFO reports collections on aged receivables of $80,000. The President asks for an explanation for the $20,000 variance.

Top Data Challenges

Data is pulled from different sources with different definitions and reporting dates

Reconciliation is required to clarify the reporting variances (the Portfolio Manager reported the simple change in the balances, the CFO reported only collections and excluded $20,000 in bad debt write-offs)

Lack of visibility into the components (definitions) of the reports.

  Business Impacts
  • There is a loss of confidence in the data due to the discrepancies.
  • It’s operationally inefficient as two teams are preparing similar reports
  • There are operational inefficiencies tied to the time required to reconcile.  Both numbers were accurate but were providing different information.
  • The data discrepancy could not be resolved during the meeting.
  • Additional meetings are required between the President and the Operational Head to close the bad debt conversation.
  • Implemented Refined Data’s Compliance Management Solution for uniform reporting standards.
  • Utilized Refined Data’s Key Performance Metrics for detailed tracking and customizable views of receivables.
  • Integrated financial data across systems using Refined Data, streamlining information flow.
  • Enabled proactive management with Refined Data’s alert system for variances in receivables.

Optimizing Sustainability Reporting for Strategic Impact in Real Estate Management

Use Case: Portfolio Manager – Client Request

A client preparing for an Investment Committee meeting urgently requires sustainability data for their portfolio, which different Operational teams manage across several geographical areas. The Portfolio Manager receives a request to provide this data within three hours.

Top Data Challenges

The portfolio is divided into several geographical areas, each with its own Operational teams.

The operational teams are responsible for delivering the sustainability programs.

Data provided by the Operational teams is outdated (employee absence or role vacancy)
The reporting dates are inconsistent.

Once the data is obtained some of the results are trending below expectations.

  Business Impacts
  • The operational teams must pivot to provide the necessary information.
  • Unable to obtain visibility into sustainability performance within the desired timeframe.
  • The Portfolio Manager does not meet the client’s request.
  • The Portfolio Manager provides the client with data that is inaccurate and incomplete.
  • The Portfolio Manager is unable to provide the client with a fulsome explanation, leaving the client with a negative impression of their performance.
  • Use Refined Data’s Compliance Management Solution to capture sustainability metrics as they are delivered and to validate that timely reporting has occurred.
  • Use Refined Data’s Data Integration Solution to ease the operational reporting burden by re-purposing existing data/metrics from preferred systems.
  • Use Refined Data’s KPM Solution to provide on-going, easy review of each asset’s sustainability performance.
  • Leverage Refined Data’s KPM solution to alert Portfolio Managers of under (and over) performing assets.

Navigating Client Concerns During Retail Bankruptcy: Proactive Data Management Solutions

Use Case: Portfolio Manager – Client Request

A major retailer announces bankruptcy protection. The Portfolio Manager receives calls from numerous clients asking about their exposure. In their haste to obtain critical information, clients also request the same information from the Asset Managers directly. The bankruptcy will take several months, and clients will require ongoing reporting and support.

Top Data Challenges

Data (property, receivables) sits in different systems (finance, leasing, spreadsheets).

The individual operational teams with different reporting mandates manage spreadsheet data for current receivables.

Leasing data on co-tenancies resides in team folders are not accessible by the Portfolio Manager.

  Business Impacts
  • Unable to quickly meet the client’s requests.
  • Asset and Portfolio Managers obtain different results.
  • Clients lose confidence.
  • Operational teams must pivot to provide the information.
  • Information is incomplete and not timely.
  • Unable to provide the client with the full potential impact of bankruptcy protection in the first response.
  • Use Refined Data’s Compliance Management Solution to track the bankruptcy process and ensure timely, ongoing, and proactive reporting to the clients.  Provide Portfolio and Asset Management with alerts when activities warrant.
  • Use Refined Data’s Compliance Management Solution to track receivables through the bankruptcy process.  Set up an alert to receive notifications when receivables change.
  • Use Refined Data’s Attributes Solution (Leases) to identify properties impacted by the bankruptcy and possible co-tenancy implications.

Securing a Competitive Edge: Leveraging Refined Data for Residential Portfolio Management Opportunities

Use Case: Portfolio Manager – Client Request

A client advises the Portfolio Manager of a potential new business opportunity to manage a residential portfolio currently managed by a competitor. To be on the preferred vendor list, the client asks the Portfolio Manager for a summary of the company’s residential experience for properties in Ontario with more than 150 suites (number of properties, location, size, years of experience, property certifications, occupancy rates, key employees (experience and licenses).

Top Data Challenges

Data resides across different systems (enterprise financial and human resources).

Employee licensing information is not up to date.

  Business Impacts
  • Delays in providing critical information result in a loss of confidence for the client.
  • The client company is not added to the preferred vendor list.
  • Human Resources is required to pivot to confirm licensing data for critical personnel.
  • Use Refined Data’s Compliance Management Solution to ensure employee data is current.
  • Use Refined Data’s Compliance Management Solution to track receivables through the bankruptcy process.  Set up an alert to receive notifications when receivables change.
  • Use Refined Data’s Data Integration Solution to ease the Human Resources reporting burden by re-purposing existing data/metrics from their preferred systems.

Enhancing Roof Management Oversight: Strategic Solutions for Proactive Portfolio Property Maintenance

Use Case: Portfolio Manager – Client Meeting

A roof needs to be replaced next year and the Portfolio Manager meets with the client to discuss the unscheduled replacement. The recent 10-year project plan identified the requirement to replace the roof, but not for another five years.   The Client is concerned about the effectiveness of the roof inspection process and why recent maintenance activities did not uncover the roof issue. They are concerned about other hidden problems requiring a significant capital injection.

Top Data Challenges

Inspection reports reside in the Operation’s document management system, and the inspection process frequency is not visible.

Portfolio Management does not have access to the work order system.

The building condition report, available on the shared document management system, is five years old. Operations failed to post the most current version.

The Portfolio Manager cannot access the outline of the bidding process or the preferred vendor list.

  Business Impacts
  • The client loses confidence in the Portfolio Manager’s ability to proactively assess the property’s needs.
  • The client’s question cannot be answered; a follow-up discussion is required.
  • Protocols with the client require building condition reports every three years; it appears that the Portfolio Manager is not compliant with the client’s requirements.
  • Client loses confidence that the Portfolio Manager can deliver the project at a reasonable cost.
  • Use Refined Data’s Compliance Management Solution to ensure the inspection and building condition report protocols are adhered to.
  • Use Refined Data’s KPM Solution to provide ongoing reporting of work orders and highlight unusual costs.
  • Use Refined Data’s Data Integration Solution to ease the Operations reporting burden by re-purposing existing data/metrics from their preferred systems.
  • Use Refined Data’s Compliance Management Solution to manage the bidding process.

Aligning Budget Expectations with Acquisition Goals: Enhancing Board Confidence Through Data Integration

Use Case: Portfolio Manager – Board Request

The new Portfolio Manager meets with the Board to obtain approval for the current year’s budget. A board member raises a concern about the budgeted cash flow tied to the purchase of a retail mall four years ago. The board member is uneasy that the budget is out of line with the acquisition proforma, leading to concerns about the valuation associated with the original acquisition price.

Top Data Challenges

Data resides across different systems (valuation, enterprise financial, spreadsheets, document management).

The data is not available in a format that compares the acquisition pro forma and original acquisition value.

  Business Impacts
  • An inability to address the query during the Board meeting.
  • Property budget does not obtain approval, and follow-up is required.
  • The board is concerned that the Portfolio Manager is not tracking and maximizing performance to acquisition expectations.
  • The board questions the acquisition opportunity, leading to a future lack of confidence in the acquisition process.
  • Use Refined Data’s Compliance Management Solution to provide visibility into the acquisition process and original expectations.
  • Use Refined Data’s KPM Solution to validate current budget results for the original acquisition proforma and the current valuation of the original acquisition price.
  • Use Refined Data’s Data Integration Solution to re-purpose data from the preferred systems of Valuations, Finance and Operations.